The Victoria Foundation

The Victoria Foundation

About us

The Victoria Foundation has charitable aims which are broad, but firmly medical with the overall aim of transforming lives where there is an opportunity to do so - either through medical provision or by ensuring that young people destined to become the future generations of doctors are not prevented from achieving this due to financial restrictions.

How your donation could help

  • £80 could fund a textbook for a medical student
  • £250 could fund a specialist buggy or trike for a youngster
  • £500 could fund a Toolkit Grant for a medical student
  • £3,000 could fund a lightweight self-propelled wheelchair

100% of every donation we receive helps will help to transform lives - please give what you can as with your support we can change more lives.

For further details see or contact us [email protected]

To find out more see The Victoria Foundation’s latest video

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